Bernd Schröder

Religionspädagogik angesichts des Judentums

Grundlegungen - Rekonstruktionen - Impulse
[Religious Education in Light of Judaism. Foundations - Reconstructions - Impulses.]
2023. X, 580 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162007-2
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-162007-2
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In this volume, Bernd Schröder builds bridges between contemporary Christian religious education and Judaism. The aim is not so much to present Judaism in an appropriate way, for example in religious education. The concern is rather to make clear how important "teaching and learning” is for both Judaism and Christianity and how differently it becomes the subject in both traditions.

Praktische Theologie in Geschichte und Gegenwart (PThGG)