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Bernd Schröder

Religionspädagogische Ökumenik

Weltweites polyzentrisch-plurales Christentum als Bildungsreligion
[Ecumenism in Religious Education. Worldwide Polycentric-Plural Christianity as an Educational Religion.]
2023. XIII, 251 pages.
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-162222-9
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In this book, Bernd Schröder undertakes - for the first time - a religious education »world tour« through selected countries and contemporary denominational cultures. He outlines the diversity of learning cultures under the umbrella of worldwide polycentric Christianity. This tour d'horizon confirms that teaching and learning play an enormous role in many places, although not all of Christianity can be unquestionably regarded as an educational religion.

Praktische Theologie in Geschichte und Gegenwart (PThGG)