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David Käbisch, Thomas Heller, Michael Wermke

Repetitorium Religionspädagogik

Ein Arbeitsbuch für Studium, Vikariat und Referendariat
[Religious Education. A Revision Book for Theology Students, Ordinands and Teachers.]
2012. XIII, 216 pages.
Published in German.
  • paper
  • available from utb
  • 978-3-8252-3670-0
The study of Protestant religious education has developed into numerous fields. The academic discipline of religious education may be focused on historical, theological, sociological, psychological, legal or educational aspects, yet its common interest is an up-to-date theory capable of creating opportunities for learning in school and church environments. Based on this theoretical as well as practical claim, this book comprises two sections: First, basic knowledge in religious education is reviewed, with consideration of diverse related historical, systematic and empirical fields of knowledge. In the second part, didactic issues are addressed which should enable the reader to create learning opportunities, e.g. from the perspectives of biblical hermeneutics, problem identification, symbol didactics, or interfaith dialogue. This is an ideal revision book for students of Protestant theology, ordinands and teachers.