
Rereading the relecture?

The Question of (Post)chronistic Influence in the Latest Redactions of the Books of Samuel
Ed. by Uwe Becker and Hannes Bezzel

[Rereading the relecture? Die Frage (nach)chronistischer Einflüsse auf die jüngsten Bearbeitungsstufen der Samuelbücher.]

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ISBN 978-3-16-152920-7
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Published in English.
This volume presents collected essays of a symposium held in Jena in 2012 which investigated the relationship between I-II Sam and I Chr. Fundamental questions and methodical difficulties that arise when »late« parts of the Books of Samuel are questioned regarding their relationship to the Books of Chronicles are discussed.
This volume presents collected essays of a symposium held in Jena in August 2012 whose main question was whether there was something like a post-chronistic feedback into the Books of Samuel. The articles investigate the relationship between I-II Sam and I Chr in general aspects as well as by means of a number of case studies. Can I Chr be regarded as a relecture of some Samuel scroll? If so, is it possible to identify some of the latest layers in Samuel as chronistically influenced, that is: as a rereading of the relecture? And by which methods and criteria could that goal be achieved?
Survey of contents
I. General Questions
Isaac Kalimi: Die Quelle(n) der Textparallelen zwischen Samuel-Könige und Chronik – Graeme Auld: The Text of Chronicles and the Beginnings of Samuel – Ehud Ben Zvi: Chronicles and Samuel-Kings: Two Interacting Aspects of one Memory System in the Late Persian/Early Hellenistic Period – Christophe Nihan: Samuel, Chronicles, and »Postchronistic« Revisions: Some Remarks of Method

II. Case Studies
Georg Hentschel: Der Niedergang des Hauses Eli und der Aufstieg Zadoks – Peter Porzig: Postchronistic Traces in the Narratives about the Ark? – Reinhard Müller: Das theophore Element »-Baal« zwischen Samuel und Chronik – Uwe Becker: Wie »deuteronomistisch« ist die Samuel-Rede in I Sam 12? – Jürg Hutzli: Elaborated Literary Violence: Genre and Ideology of the Two Stories I Sam 22,6–23 and II Sam 21,1–14 – Cynthia Edenburg: II Sam 21,1–14 and II Sam 23,1–7 as Post-Chr Additions to the Samuel Scroll – Hannes Bezzel: Chronistisch beeinflusste Korrekturen am Bild Sauls in den Samuelbüchern? – Thilo Rudnig: Späte Bearbeitungen in der Davidüberlieferung

Uwe Becker Born 1961; 1989 Dr, theol. (Bonn); 1996 Habilitation (Göttingen); since 2003 Professor of Old Testament at Friedrich Schiller University, Jena.

Hannes Bezzel Born 1975; 2007 Dr. theol. (Göttingen); 2014 Habilitation (Jena); since 2015 Professor of Old Testament at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.


The following reviews are known:

In: The Biblical Annals — 7 (2017), S. 271–276 (Dariusz Dziadosz)
In: Biblische Notizen — 167 (2015), S. 141 (Pancratius C. Beentjes)
In: Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (ZAW) — 127 (2015), S. 160–161 (A.C. Hagedorn)
In: Old Testament Abstracts — 38 (2015), S. 525 (C.T.B.)