
Eric Becker

Schadensersatz nach Fristsetzung im Eigentümer-Besitzer-Verhältnis

[Compensation for Damages after Fixing a Deadline in the Relationship between Owner and Possessor.]

2012. XII, 242 pages.

Studien zum Privatrecht 19

94,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-151693-1
Published in German.
How is the relation between the clauses which govern compensatory damages in the law of obligations and those which serve the same purpose in the law of property? Eric Becker explores this subject from a historical perspective and then develops a solution which – in contrast to previous approaches – provides a harmonization of both areas of law, particularly when it comes to compensation for damages after fixing a deadline.
How is the relation between the clauses which govern compensatory damages in the law of obligations and those which serve the same purpose in the law of property? Eric Becker explores this subject from a historical perspective and then develops a solution which – in contrast to previous approaches – provides a harmonization of both areas of law, particularly when it comes to compensation for damages after fixing a deadline.

Eric Becker Geboren 1980; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Trier; 2006–09 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in Trier; 2011 Promotion; seit 2011 Richter des Landgerichts Trier.


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