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Matthias Schleiff

Schöpfung, Zufall oder viele Universen?

Ein teleologisches Argument aus der Feinabstimmung der Naturkonstanten
[Creation, Chance, or Many Universes? A Teleological Argument from Fine-Tuning the Constants of Nature.]
2019. XII, 319 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-156418-5
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Teleological arguments based on the order of the world point to the existence of a creator. Matthias Schleiff develops a teleological argument from the cosmic phenomenon of fine-tuning by confronting alternative hypotheses (such as the Anthropic Principle or a multiverse theory), and thereby rekindles the conversation between the natural sciences, philosophy and theology about the beginning of the world.

Collegium Metaphysicum (CM)