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Mario Schollmeyer

Selbstverantwortung und Geschäftsgrundlage

Zurechnung und Haftung bei Geschäftsgrundlagenstörungen gemäß § 313 BGB
[Personal Responsibility and the Foundations of Contract. Liability in the Case of Interference with the Foundation of Contract in Accordance with Section 313 of the German Civil Code.]
2014. XXII, 491 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-153104-0
The author provides a fresh look at the German doctrine of the foundations of contract. In accordance with the basic structure of German contract law, which imposes liability on the non-performing party, he argues that the frustration of the contract should, under certain circumstances, entail liability of the exonerated party.

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