Roman Lehner

Souveränität im Bundesstaat und in der Europäischen Union

Eine Untersuchung auf Grundlage des deutschen und schweizerischen Verfassungsrechts
[Sovereignty in the Federal State and the European Union. A Study Based on German and Swiss Constitutional Law.]
2021. XXI, 695 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-160013-5
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-160013-5
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Roman Lehner analyses the problem of sovereignty as it unfolds in the law of the European Union and those of Germany and Switzerland. He shows that even in consolidated federal states, entirely different constellations of sovereignty can be established. Based on these findings, the author presents his own model of conceptualising the European Union as a specific association of states combining their sovereignties while remaining sovereign.

Jus Publicum (JusPubl)