
Lisa Pauline Hamacher

Standortauswahl für ein Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle

Intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit, Wissensgenerierung und Akzeptanz durch Organisation und Verfahren

[Siting High-Level Nuclear Waste Repositories. Inter-generational Justice, Kowledge-Base, and Acceptance through Organization and Process.]

104,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-160749-3
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Published in German.
The Site Selection Act has created the first ever legal framework for the siting of a high-level nuclear waste repository in Germany. The act provides for a staged selection procedure which makes use of a variety of innovative procedural and organisational governance tools. Lisa Hamacher examines the extent to which this legal framework enables an inter-generationally just, knowledge-based, democratically legitimised, and publically accepted siting decision.
The Site Selection Act has created the first ever legal framework for the siting of a high-level nuclear waste repository in Germany. The act provides for a staged selection procedure which makes use of a variety of innovative procedural and organisational governance tools. Lisa Hamacher examines the extent to which this legal framework enables an inter-generationally just, knowledge-based, democratically legitimised, and publically accepted siting decision.

Lisa Pauline Hamacher Geboren 1990; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, und am Institut d'études politiques de Paris; Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht III der Bucerius Law School; Rechtsreferendariat am Hanseatischen Oberlandesgericht; 2020 Promotion und Zweite juristische Staatsprüfung; seit 2021 Referentin im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr.f.Umweltrecht — 33 (2022), 636–640 (Jörg Berkemann)
In: Internationale Nukleare Informationssystem (INIS) —