Mustafa Temmuz Oğlakcıoğlu

Strafbare Sprechakte

Dogmatik und Legitimation von Äußerungsdelikten
[Punishable Speech Acts. Dogmatics and Legitimation of Offensive Utterances.]
2023. XXVII, 731 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162029-4
Published in German.
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Words lead to actions – yet any prohibition of expressing oneself in a certain way that is punishable by law means a restriction of social action. So, what are we allowed to say – and what do we have to put up with hearing? Mustafa Temmuz Oğlakcıoğlu explores this question in depth along with the dogmatics and legitimacy of offences uttered.

Jus Poenale (JusPoen)