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Gabriele Buchholtz

Streiken im europäischen Grundrechtsgefüge

Zum Harmonisierungspotenzial des Art. 6 Nr. 4 ESC in der Anwendung des EGMR und des EuGH
[Strikes and European Basic Right Structures. Potential for Harmonization of Art. 6 No. 4 ESC in its Application by the EGMR and EuGH.]
2014. XXI, 489 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-153530-7
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European nation states are being presented with great challenges when it comes to basic legal rights. This applies in particular to the right to strike, which was long considered an untouchable part of national rights. More recently however, both the European Court and especially the European Court of Human Rights have issued guidelines pointing the way ahead, which could make a harmonization of national rights necessary. Here, Gabriele Buchholtz drafts a conflict of laws rule for the European constitutional structure.

Jus Internationale et Europaeum (JusIntEu)