Christian Schönberger

Struktur und Grenzen des Missbrauchsbegriffs

Zur Frage der Heranziehung außerkartellrechtlicher Rechtsverstöße zur Begründung des Missbrauchsvorwurfs
[The Structure and Limitations of the Concept of Abuse. The Question of Drawing on Statutory Violations Outside of Antitrust Law to Justify Abuse Allegations.]
2022. XVI, 207 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-161076-9
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Christian Schönberger gives a basic definition of the determinants for the interpretation of the prohibition of abuse of a dominant position in antitrust law. What is the significance of a statutory violation within the framework of the established – competition-related – concept of abuse, and does the previous teleology have to be broadened as the circumstances require?

Beiträge zum Kartellrecht (BtrKR)