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Strukturfragen des Grundrechtsschutzes in Europa

Grundrechtecharta - Grundrechtsbindung - Vertrauensschutz. Dokumentation des 6. Treffens des Deutsch-Französischen Gesprächskreises für Öffentliches Recht
Edited by Johannes Masing, Matthias Jestaedt, David Capitant and Armel Le Divellec
[Structural Issues of European Civil Rights Protection. Charter of Fundamental Rights - Commitments - Protection of Legitimate Expectations. Minutes from the Sixth German-French Public Law Discussion Group Meeting.]
2015. IX, 179 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-154474-3
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-154474-3
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The contributions here were part of a 2012 colloquium handling three structural issues on civil rights protection in the EU: how member states apply the charter, the commitment of private individuals and protecting legitimate expectations from administrative intervention.