
Michael Theobald

Studien zum Corpus Iohanneum

[Studies on the Corpus Iohanneum.]

184,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-150284-2
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Published in German.
Is Christian anti-Judaism also a legacy of the Johannine concept of Jesus, which portrays him as a stranger in Israel? Michael Theobald shows that it is only possible to deal with the Gospel in a hermeneutically responsible manner today on the basis of its historical context.
This volume contains 27 articles on the Corpus Iohanneum. These articles focus on the prologue, the description of how the Word entered the world, the narrative and theological concept of the Gospel and its redactional adjustments as well as on 1 John as its oldest »commentary.« The early church saw the Gospel as the chief witness to the trinitarian doctrine. Its »high Christology«, which saw Jesus not only as Israel's Messiah but moreover as the Son of God sent from heaven, does however seem to be inextricably combined with its harsh polemic against »the Jews«, which helped to develop its own identity. Is Christian anti-Judaism also a legacy of the Johannine concept of Jesus, which portrays him as a stranger in Israel? Michael Theobald shows that it is only possible to deal with the Gospel in a hermeneutically responsible manner today on the basis of its historical context.

Michael Theobald Geboren 1948; Studium der Kath. Theologie in Bonn, Münster und München; 1980 Promotion in Bonn; 1985 Habilitation in Regensburg; 1985–89 Professor für Biblische Theologie an der FU Berlin; 1989–2016 Professor für Neues Testament an der Katholisch-theologischen Fakultät der Universität Tübingen; seit 2016 emeritiert.


The following reviews are known:

In: Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT) — 34.5 (2012), S. 68 (Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer)
In: Zeitschr.f.Katholische Theologie — 136 (2014), S. 329–331 (Veronika Burz-Tropper)
In: New Testament Abstracts — 55 (2011), S. 384
In: Studien zum NT und seiner Umwelt — 36 (2011), S. 256–259 (Heinz Giesen)
In: Revue d'histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses — 91 (2011), S. 454–455 (Ch. Grappe)