
Ferdinand Hahn

Studien zum Neuen Testament

Band I: Grundsatzfragen, Jesusforschung, Evangelien
Hrsg. v. Jörg Frey u. Juliane Schlegel

[Studies of the New Testament. Vol. I: Fundamental Issues, Research on Jesus, the Gospels.]

unrevised e-book edition 2019; Original edition 2006; 2006. XVI, 691 pages.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 191

194,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-157379-8
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Published in German.
As a complement to Ferdinand Hahn's Theology of the New Testament, these two volumes present 70 detailed studies on the field of New Testament scholarship, from Jesus research, Pauline theology and the Gospels down to the late traditions of the New Testament.
As a complement to Ferdinand Hahn's Theology of the New Testament, these two volumes present 70 detailed studies which were written over a period of more than 30 years in preparation of this work. The articles cover the whole field of New Testament scholarship, from research on Jesus, Pauline theology and the Gospels to the late traditions of the New Testament. They offer detailed analyses of texts and theological issues, representing a thoroughly theological view of the New Testament. Vol. II contains a comprehensive bibliography of the author's writings and detailed indexes.
Survey of contents
Band I:
Teil I: Grundsatzfragen
Teil II: Zur Jesusforschung
Teil III: Zum Markus- und Matthäusevangelium
Teil IV: Zum Johannesevangelium

Band II:
Teil V: Zur frühchristlichen Bekenntnisbildung
Teil VI: Zur Apostelgeschichte
Teil VII: Zur paulinischen und deuteropaulinischen Theologie
Teil VIII: Zu Ekklesiologie, Amtsverständnis und Ethik
Teil IX: Zur Johannesoffenbarung
Teil X: Zu Spättraditionen
Gesamtbibliographie Ferdinand Hahn (bearb. v. Ch. Hoegen-Rohls)

Ferdinand Hahn 1926–2015. 1954–56 im kirchlichen Dienst; 1956–62 wissenschaftlicher Assistent in Heidelberg; 1961 Promotion; 1963 Habilitation; 1964–68 o. Professor für Neues Testament in Kiel, 1968–76 in Mainz, 1976–94 in München.

Jörg Frey Born 1962; 1996 Dr. theol.; 1998 Habilitation; Professor of New Testament Studies at the University of Zurich, Switzerland; Honorary Doctorate of the Faculty for Theology at the University of Uppsala (Sweden).

Juliane Schlegel Geboren 1975, ist Assistentin am Lehrstuhl für Neues Testament an der Evangelisch-theologischen Fakultät der Universität München.


The following reviews are known:

In: New Testament Abstracts — 50 (2006), S. 577
In: Carthaginensia — 24 (2008), S. 196–198 (R. Sanz Valdivieso)
In: European Journal of Theology (EJT) — 15 (2006), S. 152–155 (Christoph Stenschke)
In: H-Soz-u-Kult — (Paul Metzger)
In: Neotestamenica — 40 (2006), S. 417–423 (Christoph Stenschke)