
Symbole des Christentums

Berliner Dogmatikvorlesung
Herausgegeben von Friedemann Steck

[The Symbols of Christianity. The Berlin Dogmatics Lecture.]

2021. XII, 579 pages.
49,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-160883-4
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Published in German.
Ulrich Barth's Berlin lecture provides an overview of the main themes in dogmatics. The arrangement as a whole is a hermeneutic of Christian symbolism. In this way, the contours of a liberal protestant dogmatic theology emerge, which is as committed to the enlightened and critical discourse on religion as it is to insight into the existential and cultural significance of Christian faith in the modern world.
Ulrich Barth's Berlin lecture provides an overview of the main themes in dogmatics. The arrangement as a whole is a hermeneutic of Christian symbolism. In this way, the contours of a liberal protestant dogmatic theology emerge, which is as committed to the enlightened and critical discourse on religion as it is to insight into the existential and cultural significance of Christian faith in the modern world.
Survey of contents
I. Schöpfung – die Verdanktheit des Lebens
II. Jenseits von Eden – die Endlichkeit des Lebens
II. Sünde – die Fehlbarkeit des Lebens
IV. Dürsten der Seele – die Selbsttranszendierung des Lebens
V. Heil – die transzendente Geborgenheit des Lebens
VI. Unsichtbare Kirche – die spirituelle Verbundenheit des Lebens
VII. Ewigkeit – die Aufhebung des Lebens

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