Katarina Kolak

Systematische Einordnung und Rechtsnatur des § 615 BGB

Anspruchserhaltungsnorm oder Anspruchsgrundlage?
[Systematic Classification and Legal Nature of the German Civil Code's Section 615. Norm for Preserving a Claim or the Basis for One?]
2023. XXII, 353 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162605-0
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-162605-0
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Section 615 of the German Civil Code contains a statutory exception to the principle of »no work, no pay«, and is classified as a norm preserving the claim to remuneration. Katarina Kolak reviews this classification and develops a novel explanatory concept for the systematic classification and legal nature of the norm.

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