
Susanne Barth

Tätige Nächstenliebe in Werk und Wirken Gregors des Großen

[Acts of Charity in the Works and Endeavours of Gregory the Great.]

104,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-156303-4
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Published in German.
When Gregory the Great became pope at a time of political and religious crisis, he assumed responsibility for what had formerly been imperial duties. As Susanne Barth shows in this thorough historical analysis of his complete works, both his writings and deeds pay testimony to this fact. With the grace of charity evolving into a central aspect of Gregory's theology, he describes church as a community of reciprocal care. In the end, the benefit of the proximate – the utilitas proximi – becomes the ultimate touchstone for ethical action, which likewise determined Gregory's own work.
When Gregory the Great became pope at a time of political and religious crisis, he assumed responsibility for what had formerly been imperial duties. As Susanne Barth shows in this thorough historical analysis of his complete works, both his writings and deeds pay testimony to this fact. With the grace of charity evolving into a central aspect of Gregory's theology, he describes church as a community of reciprocal care. In the end, the benefit of the proximate – the utilitas proximi – becomes the ultimate touchstone for ethical action, which likewise determined Gregory's own work.

Susanne Barth Geboren 1985; 2005–12 Studium der Ev. Theologie an der Kirchlichen Hochschule Bethel und der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; 2017–20 Vikariat in der St. Laurentius Kirchengemeinde Faßberg-Müden (Örtze); 2018 Promotion an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel; seit 2020 Pastorin der ev.-luth. Apostelkirchengemeinde Northeim.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr. f. Kirchengeschichte — 134 (2023), S. 251–253 (Philipp König)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 147 (2022), S. 691–693 (Katharina Greschat)
In: — Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum (ZAC), 26 (2022), S. 368–369 (Barbara Müller)