
Kyra Klocke

Tarifautonomie und Außenseiter

[Collective Bargaining Autonomy and Outsiders.]

2023. XXXII, 489 pages.

Beiträge zum Arbeitsrecht 19

124,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-162392-9
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Published in German.
Collective bargaining agreements are valid for employees who are members of the trade union concluding the agreement as well as for the employer who concludes it or is a member of an employers' association which has agreed to the agreement. However, with collective bargaining coverage in decline, both the state and the parties to such agreements may have an interest in extending the effect of collective bargaining beyond this circle. In her study, Kyra Klocke sets out the constitutional framework for legislative and collective bargaining policy measures with outsider effects.
Collective bargaining agreements are valid for employees who are members of the trade union concluding the agreement as well as for the employer who concludes it or is a member of an employers' association which has agreed to the agreement. However, with collective bargaining coverage in decline, both the state and the parties to such agreements may have an interest in extending the effect of collective bargaining beyond this circle. In her study, Kyra Klocke sets out the constitutional framework for legislative and collective bargaining policy measures with outsider effects.
Survey of contents
Einleitung und Gang der Untersuchung
1. Kapitel: Analyse der unterschiedlichen Erscheinungsformen von Außenseiterwirkungen
2. Kapitel: Verfassungsrechtliche Grundlagen der Tarifwirkung auf Außenseiter
3. Kapitel: Die Reichweite der negativen Koalitionsfreiheit
4. Kapitel: Der Schutz konkurrierender Koalitionen
5. Kapitel: Tarifautonomie und staatliche Regulierung der Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsbedingungen
6. Kapitel: Zusammenfassung
7. Kapitel: Stellungnahme zu aktuellen Vorschlägen aus Politik und Schrifttum

Kyra Klocke Geboren 1993; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Halle-Wittenberg; 2018 Erstes Juristisches Staatsexamen; Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Unternehmensrecht und Arbeitsrecht; 2023 Promotion; Referendariat am Landgericht Frankfurt am Main.


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