
Mark-Oliver Mackenrodt

Technologie statt Vertrag?

Sachmangelbegriff, negative Beschaffenheitsvereinbarungen und AGB beim Kauf digitaler Güter

[Technology instead of a Contract? Liability for Defects, Negative Agreements on Quality, and Standard Contract Terms with Regards to the Purchase of Digital Goods.]

2015. XX, 302 pages.

Studien zum Privatrecht 45

104,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-153391-4
Published in German.
Mark-Oliver Mackenrodt examines fundamental issues of civil law as exemplified by usage restrictions of digital goods which are equipped with technological protection measures. Taking resort to insights of legal and economic theory he conceptualizes a model which allows for a more coherent legal evaluation of usage restrictions, regardless of whether these restrictions have been implemented by means of a contract or by means of technological design. The normative concept of lack of quality which he develops in this model provides for more legal certainty when dealing with novel technological products.
Mark-Oliver Mackenrodt examines fundamental issues of civil law as exemplified by usage restrictions of digital goods which are equipped with technological protection measures. Taking resort to insights of legal and economic theory he conceptualizes a model which allows for a more coherent legal evaluation of usage restrictions, regardless of whether these restrictions have been implemented by means of a contract or by means of technological design. The normative concept of defects of quality which he develops in this model provides for more legal certainty when dealing with novel technological products.

Mark-Oliver Mackenrodt Studium der Rechtswissenschaften sowie der Ökonomie an der NYU Law School, der Stern Business School sowie in München, Genf und Würzburg; Research Fellow an der Harvard Law School; Attorney at Law (New York); Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes; ERP-Stipendiat des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums; wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an den Universitäten München und Würzburg; Promotion an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Fakultätspreis; derzeit wissenschaftlicher Referent am Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München.


The following reviews are known:

In: Archiv für die civilistische Praxis — 2018, 144–150 (Herbert Zech)
In: Zeitschr. f. Geistiges Eigentum — 2015, 484–487 (Louisa Specht)