
Mateusz Kusio

The Antichrist Tradition in Antiquity

Antimessianism in Second Temple and Early Christian Literature

[Die Antichrist-Überlieferung in der Antike. Antimessianismus in der Literatur des Zweiten Tempels und des frühen Christentums.]

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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-159346-8
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Published in English.
Was the idea of the ancient tradition surrounding the Antichrist present in related forms among both Jews and Christians? Mateusz Kusio reveals an anti-messianic tradition involving a variety of eschatological antagonists in conflict with diverse messianic actors that stretches across both Jewish and Christian corpora and revolves around a set of similar motifs, ideas, and core Biblical texts.
Mateusz Kusio traces and investigates the references to the Antichrist across ancient Jewish and Christian literature. Beginning with a reception-historical study of a number of eschatological and oracular texts in the Hebrew Bible, he goes on to discuss texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls, the New Testament, biblical pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha, and Patristic writings. The study reveals an anti-messianic tradition involving a variety of eschatological antagonists in conflict with diverse messianic actors that stretches across both Jewish and Christian corpora and revolves around a set of similar motifs, ideas, and core Biblical texts.

Mateusz Kusio Born 1993; 2015 BA Philosophy and Theology (Oxford); 2017 MPhil Theology (Oxford); 2019 DPhil Theology (Oxford); currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Humboldt University in Berlin.


The following reviews are known:

In: Review of Biblical Literature — (5/2022) (Brandon R. Grafius)
In: Reviews in Religion & Theology — 29 (2022), pp. 144–146 (Jonathon Lookadoo)
In: Old Testament Abstracts — 45 (2022), p. 315 (Todd R. Hanneken)
In: Revue Biblique — 128 (2021), pp. 631–632 (Étienne Nodet)
In: Andrews University Seminary Studies (AUSS) — 59 (2021), pp. 301–305 (Rodrigo Galiza)