
The Physicality of the Other

Masks from the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean
Ed. by Angelika Berlejung and Judith E. Filitz

[Die Leibhaftigkeit des Anderen. Antike Masken aus dem Vorderen Orient und dem östlichen Mittelmeerraum.]

174,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-155513-8
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Published in English.
This volume presents the conference proceedings of the international and interdisciplinary conference held in Leipzig from November 9 to 11, 2015. Scholars from different research areas presented masks from Egypt, Israel/Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Greece from the third to the first millennium BCE. In addition, the volume includes an archaeological catalogue of the masks from Israel/Palestine of the Neolithic Age until the Persian Period.
This volume comprises the conference proceedings of the international and interdisciplinary meeting held in Leipzig from November 9 to 11, 2015. Scholars from different research areas present masks from Egypt, Israel/Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Greece, mainly from the third to the first millennium BCE. The masks are analyzed from archaeological, iconographical, anthropological, philological, and theological perspectives. In many cases, the masks refer to gods, ancestors, spirits, and are used as a means to communicate between human beings and supernatural powers. Masks belong to the human condition and seem to be the international and intercultural answer to one of the most existential questions of human life. In addition, the volume includes an archaeological catalogue of the masks from Israel/Palestine of the Neolithic Age until the Persian Period.
Survey of contents
I: Introductory Considerations
Judith E. Filitz: Of Masks and Men. Thoughts on Masks from Different Perspectives – Alfred Schäfer: Zwischenwelten. Maskenauftritte im Egungu/Kutito-Geheimbund

II: Masks in Egypt
Renée F. Friedman: Masking in Early Egypt. A View from Hierakonpolis – Alexandra von Lieven: Can Deities Be Impersonated? The Question of Use of Masks in Ancient Egyptian Rituals – Asja Müller: Masking the Dead in Roman Egypt

III: Masks in the Southern Levant
Izak Cornelius: The »Face of Death« and the »Face of Baal«? Masks from the Stone Age and Bronze Age – Itzhaq Shai: Two Late Bronze Age Ceramic Masks from Tel Burna, Israel – Angelika Berlejung: Masks in the Old Testament? Masks in Ancient Palestine/Israel! – Ephraim Stern: Masks and Protomes from Tel Dor

IV: Masks in Syria and Mesopotamia
Juliane Stein: Spätbronzezeitliche Kultmasken aus Nordsyrien – Claudia Beuger: Maskerade im 1. Jt. v. Chr. in Mesopotamien – Takayoshi Oshima: The King's Godly Image as the Perfect Physiognomy of the Holder of the Kingship. Royal Ideology in the Neo-Assyrian Period

V: Masks on Their Way to Europe
Adriano Orsingher: Ritualized Faces. The Masks of the Phoenicians – Erin Walcek Averett: Playing the Part. Masks and Ritual Performance in Rural Sanctuaries in Iron Age Cyprus – Angeliki Varakis: Encountering the Heroic prosopeion in Fifth Century Theatre Performance – Daniel Dost: 'Quid sibi personae volunt?' Erkundungen im Schnittfeld von lateinisch persona und etruskisch phersu

VI: Anhang: Katalog/Catalogue
Angelika Berlejung unter Mitarbeit von Susanne Kohlhaas und Juliane Stein: Katalog der Masken der südlichen Levante vom Neolithikum bis zum Ende der persischen Zeit

Angelika Berlejung is Professor for »History and Religion of Israel and its Environment« at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Leipzig, an Extraordinary Professor for Ancient Studies at the University of Stellenbosch/South Africa, a Visiting Full Professor for Biblical Archaeology at Bar Ilan University/Israel, and a Full Member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences.

Judith E. Filitz Geboren 1984; Studium der Ev. Theologie und Theaterwissenschaft in Leipzig, Halle/Saale und Jerusalem; 2012–18 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft der Universität Leipzig; 2018 Promotion; seit 2018 Vikarin in der Lippische Landeskirche.


The following reviews are known:

In: ProtoView — (4/2019)
In: Biblische Notizen — 187 (2020), pp. 154–156 (Stefan Bojowald)
In: Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (ZAW) — 131 (2019), S. 350–351 (W.Z.)
In: Reading Religion — (4/2019) (Christoph Uehlinger)
In: Old Testament Abstracts — 41 (2018), S. 703 (C.T.B.)