
Håkon Sunde Pedersen

The Retributive and Suffering God of the Book of Jeremiah

A Study of YHWH's ʻĀzab-Complaints

[Der vergeltende und leidende Gott des Buches Jeremia. Eine Studie über JHWHs ʻĀzab-Vorwürfe.]

84,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-162331-8
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Published in English.
In this study, Håkon Sunde Pedersen challenges common understandings of selected portraits of YHWH as a retributive and suffering God in the book of Jeremiah.
Portraits of YHWH as a retributive and a suffering God appear side by side in the book of Jeremiah. Not surprisingly, scholars usually emphasize the contrast and conflict between them. In addition to obvious differences, they also tend to feature in different types of literary material in the book; that is, in prose and poetry. Håkon Sunde Pedersen's study challenges the common view by offering a new interpretation of some of the portraits in which not only radical differences but points of unity and connection between them come to light. Based on these observations, the author suggests that the portraits' juxtaposition in the book may ultimately contribute to highlighting central theological concerns in the book in its present (MT) form.
Survey of contents
Chapter I: Introduction
Chapter II: YHWH's Poetic ʻĀzab -Complaints
Chapter III: YHWH's Prosaic ʻĀzab -Complaints
Chapter IV: Outlook: The Retributive and Suffering God of The Book of Jeremiah

Håkon Sunde Pedersen Born 1980; 2007 master's degree, and 2019 PhD, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society; Associate Professor in Old Testament Studies, Fjellhaug International University College.


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