
Nadine Ueberschaer

Theologie des Lebens bei Paulus und Johannes

Ein theologisch-konzeptioneller Vergleich des Zusammenhangs von Glaube und Leben auf dem Hintergrund ihrer Glaubenssummarien

[Theology of Life in Paul and John. A Theological-Conceptual Comparison of the Connection between Life and Faith against the Backdrop of their Summaria of Faith.]

149,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-155041-6
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Published in German.
In this study of the Pauline letters and the Gospel according to John, Nadine Ueberschaer argues that Paul and John – independently of one another – developed a theology of life from pre-Pauline traditions of faith, which are still identifiable in summaria of faith. The results are Pauline and Johannine summaria of faith, in which they both communicate the value of Jesus' death and resurrection for one's own existence.
In this study of the Pauline letters and the Gospel according to John, Nadine Ueberschaer argues that Paul and John – independently of one another – developed a theology of life from pre-Pauline traditions of faith, which are still identifiable in summaria of faith. Paul and John independently refined the pre-Pauline kerygma of Jesus' death and resurrection by interpreting it with life terminology. The results are the Pauline and Johannine summaria of faith, which are characteristic for each of them and in which they both communicate the value of Jesus' death and resurrection for one's own existence. In this theological-conceptual comparative study, analogies of Paul's and John's concepts of life are comprehensively explored for the first time.

Nadine Ueberschaer Geboren 1979; Studium der Ev. Theologie in München und Tübingen; Mitarbeiterin im Projekt »Bibel und Literatur« (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster); 2010–14 wissenschaftliche Assistentin in Zürich; 2014–16 Vikariat; 2016 Abgabe der Dissertation; seit September 2016 Pfarrerin.


The following reviews are known:

In: Actualidad Bibliografica — 2019, S. 69–70 (Josep Boada)
In: Jahrbuch f.Liturgik u.Hymnologie — 2019, S. 81 (Helmut Schwier)
In: Review of Biblical Literature — (10/2020) (Kari Syreeni)
In: Theologische Revue — 115 (2019), S. 291–292 (Veronika Burz-Tropper)