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Martin Laube

Theologie und neuzeitliches Christentum

Studien zu Genese und Profil der Christentumstheorie Trutz Rendtorffs
[Theology and Modern Christianity. Studies of the Genesis and the Image of Trutz Rendtorff's Theory of Christianity.]
2006. XII, 627 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-148912-9
Martin Laube does a systematic reconstruction of Trutz Rendtorff's theory of Christianity. Based on the observation that Rendtorff combined a theory of the modern age and theological reflections, he characterizes the theory of Christianity as a theological interpretation of the modern world which at the same time also tries conversely to reflect on its own standpoint in the modern world.

Beiträge zur historischen Theologie (BHTh)