
Simon Gerdemann

Transatlantic Whistleblowing

Rechtliche Entwicklung, Funktionsweise und Status quo des Whistleblowings in den USA und seine Bedeutung für Deutschland

[Transatlantic Whistleblowing. The Legal Development, Functioning and Status Quo of Whistleblowing in the USA and its Significance for Germany.]

104,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-155917-4
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Published in German.
Simon Gerdemann explores the origins, characteristics and ramifications of whistleblowing laws in the United States, analyzes the consequences the current rise and adoption of whistleblowing laws has on European countries like Germany and shows how learning from past experiences in the United States could shape the whistleblowing laws of tomorrow.
Simon Gerdemann explores the origins, characteristics and ramifications of whistleblowing laws in the United States, analyzes the consequences the current rise and adoption of whistleblowing laws has on European countries like Germany and shows how learning from past experiences in the United States could shape the whistleblowing laws of tomorrow.

Simon Gerdemann Geboren 1986; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Göttingen; LL.M.-Studium an der University of California, Berkeley; Promotionsstudium an der Universität Göttingen; seit 2017 Rechtsreferendar am Oberlandesgericht Celle und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in einer Rechtsanwaltskanzlei in Hamburg.


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