
Transsexualität, Staatsangehörigkeit und internationales Privatrecht

Entwicklungen in Europa, Amerika und Australien
Hrsg. v. Jürgen Basedow u. Jens M. Scherpe

[Transsexuality, Nationality and Private International Law. Developments in Europe, America and Australia.]

54,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-148499-5
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Published in German.
This book is based on an expert opinion for the German constitutional court, where the constitutionality of the requirement of German nationality for legal recognition of a gender change in Germany was challenged. The authors conclude, that the provisions in the German law on transsexuals not only violate the German constitution, but also the European Convention on Human Rights.
The Max Planck Institute for Foreign Private and Private International Law has conducted an analysis of the legal status of transsexuals in Europe America and Australia. The book is based on an expert opinion for the German constitutional court, in view of the constitutional challenge of the German law on transsexuals. It was submitted, that the requirement of German nationality for legal recognition of a gender change in Germany violated the German constitution. The expert opinion states that this requirement not only violates the German constitution, but also the European Convention on Human Rights. The authors suggest alternatives to the current legal rule.

Jürgen Basedow (1949–2023)
1997–2017 Director em. of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law and Professor of Law, University of Hamburg.

Jens M. Scherpe Geboren 1971; Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Berlin und Kopenhagen; 2002 Promotion; Wissenschaftlicher Referent am Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg.


The following reviews are known:

In: IPRax — 2005, H.4, S.396
In: FamPra — 2005, H.3, S.565f (Prof.Andrea Büchler)