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Übersetzung des Talmud Yerushalmi

III. Seder Nashim. Traktat 3: Ketubbot - Eheverträge
Edited by Friedrich Avemarie, Hans-Jürgen Becker, Martin Hengel, Frowald Gil Hüttenmeister and Peter Schäfer
Translated by Matthias Morgenstern
[Translation of the Talmud Yerushalmi. Volume III/3: Ketubbot - Laws relating to Marriage.]
2009. XXXV, 505 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-150049-7
The tractate Ketubbot, the second tractate in the order of Nashim (Women), deals with the laws relating to marriage discussing and defining the mutual duties and privileges of both spouses and the minimal amount of the marriage contract to which the wife is entitled in the case of her husband's death or in the case of divorce.