
Koni Weber

Umstrittene Repräsentation der Schweiz

Soziologie, Politik und Kunst bei der Landesausstellung 1964

[The Controversial Representation of Switzerland. Sociology, Politics and Art at the 1964 National Exhibition.]

2014. X, 364 pages.

Historische Wissensforschung 1

eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-153174-3
Open Access: CC BY-SA 4.0
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Published in German.
Koni Weber reconstructs the genesis, development and rejection of a sociological analysis. He breaks down the heterogeneity of sociological methods in the 60s and examines a piece of contemporary Swiss history between 1955 and 1964 from the perspective of the history of knowledge.
What happens when in the middle of the Cold War a theater director who has been inspired by the commedia dell'arte and popular customs of western Switzerland teams up with IBM Switzerland in order to carry out a live interview with the visitors to the 1964 national exhibition based on a sociological survey written by researchers from Paris? The result was a full-blown political scandal and a sociological study whose raw material was ultimately used by the famous sociologist Luc Boltanski as a basis for his first monograph. Koni Weber reconstructs the genesis, development and rejection of a sociological analysis. He breaks down the heterogeneity of sociological methods in the 60s and examines a piece of contemporary Swiss history between 1955 and 1964 from the perspective of the history of knowledge.

Koni Weber Geboren 1971; Studium der Soziologie, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte und Ethnologie an der Universität Zürich; 1998 Lizentiat; seit 2002 an verschiedenen Projekten an der Universität Zürich beteiligt; ab 2005 Dissertationsprojekt; 2008–12 Mitglied des Graduiertenkollegs 'Geschichte des Wissens' der Universität Zürich und der ETH Zürich.


The following reviews are known:

In: H-Soz-u-Kult — http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/rezensionen/2017–2-085 (5/2017) (Erich Keller)
In: Schweiz. Zeitschr. f. Geschichte — 68 (2018), S. 427–431 (Jörg Potthast)
In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung — 22. Oktober 2014, S. 22 (Urs Hafner)
In: Quellen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven u. Bibliotheken — 95 (2015), S. 629–630 (Marco Leonardi)