Cover of 'undefined'
Henrik Schramm

Ungewisse und diffuse Diskriminierung

Gründe privater Willenserklärungen vor den Diskriminierungsverboten des AGG
[Uncertain about Discrimination. Reasons for Signing a Contract under Scrutiny from Anti-Discrimination Provisons.]
2013. XIV, 404 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-152076-1
Selecting applicants is all about discriminating. But under which circumstances is it discrimination when for example a candidate for a rental agreement or a contract of employment does not receive an offer? Henrik Schramm analyzes the features of the bans on discrimination and of the rules of evidence in the General Act on Equal Treatment. He focuses on the practical difficulties involved in the protection against discrimination in private law and the dogmatic status of the disputes pertaining to them.

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