
Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz

Universitäre Industriekooperation, Informationszugang und Freiheit der Wissenschaft

Eine Fallstudie

[University and Industry Co-Operations, Access to Information, and Academic Freedom. A Case Study.]

2019. XII, 188 pages.

Wissenschaftsrecht. Beihefte 25

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Published in German.
Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz's case study sets out the legal framework for collaborations between universities and private sponsors, where the responsibility to protect academic freedom requires particular safeguarding in order to ensure that authoritative, independent, and credible research can be carried out by public universities.
Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz's case study sets out the legal framework for collaborations between universities and private sponsors, where the responsibility to protect academic freedom requires particular safeguarding in order to ensure that authoritative, independent, and credible research can be carried out by public universities.

Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz ist Professor für Öffentliches Recht an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Richter am Oberverwaltungsgericht Nordrhein-Westfalen im Nebenamt und stellvertretender Richter am Verfassungsgerichtshof Nordrhein-Westfalen.


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