
Stefan Korch


[Merger and Acquisition Contracts.]

2023. Approx. 720 pages.
forthcoming in August

Jus Privatum

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ISBN 978-3-16-162585-5
Open Access: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
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Published in German.
Despite their enormous economic importance, M&A contracts are largely neglected by legal academia. Stefan Korch analyses the law in action, laying the theoretical foundations for a better understanding of the M&A practice. He thereby also contributes to the evolving body of literature on the drafting and evolution of contracts and contract design in general.
Despite their enormous economic importance, M&A contracts are largely neglected by legal academia. Stefan Korch analyses the law in action, laying the theoretical foundations for a better understanding of the M&A practice. He thereby also contributes to the evolving body of literature on the drafting and evolution of contracts and contract design in general.

Stefan Korch Studium des Internationalen Wirtschaftsrechts sowie der Rechtswissenschaft an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; 2014 Promotion (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg); Referendariat in Nürnberg, München und Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; LL.M.-Studium an der Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA; Forschungsaufenthalte an der Harvard Law School und der Duke Law School, Durham, NC; wissenschaftlicher Referent am Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg; 2022 Habilitation (Bucerius Law School, Hamburg); seit 2023 Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Bürgerliches Recht, Gesellschafts-, Kapitalmarkt- und Insolvenzrecht an der Universität Münster.


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