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Albrecht Ritschl

Unterricht in der christlichen Religion

Studienausgabe nach der 1. Auflage von 1875 nebst den Abweichungen der 2. und 3. Auflage
Edited by Christine Axt-Piscalar
[Instruction in the Christian Religion. Critical Edition. Edited and with an Introduction by Christine Axt-Piscalar.]
2002. XLII, 152 pages.
Published in German.
  • paper
  • available from utb
  • 978-3-8252-2311-3
Albrecht Ritschl (1822-1889), one of the most important theologians towards the end of the 19th century, develops a complete and concise view of the essence of the Christian religion in this work. In doing so, he forges a very strong link between dogmatics and ethics in his own characteristic manner. None of Ritschl's other works describe the specific profile of his dogmatic-ethical thinking as clearly as Instruction in the Christian Religion does. This volume, which had been out of print for a long time, is now available in a critical new edition which contains the text of the first edition, published in 1875, along with the changes made in the second and third editions. It includes an introduction written by the editor, Christine Axt-Piscalar, a selected bibliography of Ritschl's works and of the secondary literature as well as a subject index for scholarly use.