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Hedwig Kavasch

Unterschiedliche Zollpräferenzen für unterschiedliche Entwicklungsländer

Zur Vereinbarkeit positiver Bedingungen in Allgemeinen Präferenzsystemen mit der WTO-Ermächtigungsklausel am Beispiel des APS Plus der EU
[Granting Different Tariff Preferences to Different Developing Countries. The Compatibility of Positive Conditions in GSP Programmes with the WTO Enabling Clause Based on the Example of the EU's GSP Plus Arrangement.]
2016. XIX, 534 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-154294-7
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The European Union's GSP Plus arrangement offers enhaced tariff preferences to developing countries that implement development standards defined in public international law. Consequently, certain developing countries receive more favourable tariff treatment than others. Taking this as an example, Hedwig Kavasch forms a system of criteria to assess the compatibility of such differentiations with the nondiscrimination requirement provided for in the WTO Enabling Clause.

Jus Internationale et Europaeum (JusIntEu)