Julia Redenius-Hövermann

Verhalten im Unternehmensrecht

Über die realverhaltensorientierte Fortentwicklung des Unternehmensrechts anhand ausgewählter Anwendungsbeispiele
[Behavior in Corporate Law. Developing Corporate Law Using Behavioral-Orientated Findings Based on Selected Application Examples.]
2019. XXVII, 452 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156297-6
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-156297-6
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What benefits can be derived from the findings of behavioral economics, psychology and neuroscience for standard-setting and application in corporate law so conclusions can be drawn about how it receives its neighboring disciplines? Julia Redenius-Hövermann's study seeks to contribute to the general debate on using such knowledge and make it more objective.

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