
Johannes Richter

Verschleppte Eröffnung von Insolvenzverfahren

Zur unzulässigen Verlängerung von Insolvenzeröffnungsverfahren unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Insolvenzgeldvorfinanzierung

[Prolonged Openings in Insolvency Proceedings. On Inadmissible Extensions of Proceedings with Special Regard to Pre-Financing.]

94,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-155930-3
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Published in German.
When an enterprise files for bankruptcy, the opening proceedings are often a long-drawn-out affair. Court decisions are delayed to allow significant monetary benefits to be reaped from pre-financing. Johannes Richter shows why there is the legal need and regulative necessity for this practice to change, which, although challenging, would also create real opportunities for rebuilding businesses.
When an enterprise files for bankruptcy, the opening proceedings are often a long-drawn-out affair. Court decisions are delayed to allow significant monetary benefits to be reaped from pre-financing. Johannes Richter shows why there is the legal need and regulative necessity for this practice to change, which, although challenging, would also create real opportunities for rebuilding businesses.

Johannes Richter Geboren 1987; Studium der Katholischen Theologie und Germanistik an der Universität Bochum, 2009 B.A.; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Bonn und der York Law School, 2014 Erstes Staatsexamen; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Bonn; 2018 Promotion; derzeit Rechtsreferendar am Oberlandesgericht Köln.


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