
Michael Fehling

Verwaltung zwischen Unparteilichkeit und Gestaltungsaufgabe

[Administration between Impartiality and the Responsibility to Shape Policies. By Michael Fehling.]

unrevised e-book edition 2019; Original edition 2001; 2001. XXIV, 565 pages.

Jus Publicum 79

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ISBN 978-3-16-157971-4
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Published in German.
The author deals with the question of the appropriate scope of impartiality in administrative decision-making in the era of privatization and regulatory reform. The importance of impartiality depends to a large extent on one's concept of the essence of the administrative process. Quasi-judicial decision-making, policy-making, the exercising of expertise and public management are given a different emphasis in different contexts and in different legal systems. Michael Fehling makes a case for a flexible, balanced approach which relies on procedural openness, on judicial review adjusted to the dangers a particular situation poses to the decision-maker's impartiality and on a comprehensive statement of reason which should also influence the allocation of the burden of proof.
The author deals with the question of the appropriate scope of impartiality in administrative decision-making in the era of privatization and regulatory reform. The importance of impartiality depends to a large extent on one's concept of the essence of the administrative process. Quasi-judicial decision-making, policy-making, the exercising of expertise and public management are given a different emphasis in different contexts and in different legal systems. Michael Fehling makes a case for a flexible, balanced approach which relies on procedural openness, on judicial review adjusted to the dangers a particular situation poses to the decision-maker's impartiality and on a comprehensive statement of reason which should also influence the allocation of the burden of proof.

Michael Fehling Geboren 1963; 1983–88 Studium der Rechts- und Politikwissenschaften; 1991 zweites jur. Staatsexamen; 1993 Promotion; 1995–96 Studium in Berkeley, USA; 1988–2000 Wiss. Mitarbeiter und Wiss. Assistent an der Universität Freiburg; 2000 Habilitation; seit 2000 Hochschuldozent an der Universität Freiburg; ab September 2001 Professor für Öffentliches Recht an der Bucerius Law School in Hamburg.


The following reviews are known:

In: Die Öffentliche Verwaltung — 2002, H.24, S. 1050 (Dr.Horst Sendler)
In: Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt — 2002, H.12, S. 821f (Dr.Kerstin Odendahl)
In: Journal f.Rechtspolitik — 2004, H.3, S.216