
Dmitrij Bumazhnov

Visio mystica im Spannungsfeld frühchristlicher Überlieferungen

Die Lehre der sogenannten Antoniusbriefe von der Gottes- und Engelschau und das Problem unterschiedlicher spiritueller Traditionen im frühen ägyptischen Mönchtum

[Visio mystica in Early Christian Traditions. The Theory of the So-Called Letters of St. Anthony of the Vision of God and the Vision of Angels and the Problems of Different Spiritual Traditions in Early Egyptian Monasticism.]

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ISBN 978-3-16-151351-0
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Published in German.
Dmitrij Bumazhnov attempts to deepen our knowledge about the monastic origins by analyzing the notion of the mystical vision in the 7 letters allegedly written by St. Anthony the Great.
The question of whether the spiritual tradition of early Egyptian monasticism can be traced back to Origen and the Alexandrian school or if there were several early monastic traditions in Egypt has been a controversial topic of discussion in recent years. Dmitrij Bumazhnov attempts to deepen our knowledge about the monastic origins by analyzing the notion of the mystical vision in the 7 letters allegedly written by St. Anthony the Great. The comparison with other monastic texts of the 4th century shows that at least two fundamentally different understandings of the visio Dei – one Platonic and one biblical – were represented in the Nile valley, a fact which partly explains the outbreak of the Origenist controversy in the Egyptian monasteries in 399. The study also questions the current consensus on the authenticity of the letters. Whereas the letters 1 and 2–7 are by different authors, it is probable that only letter 1 was written by St. Anthony.

Dmitrij Bumazhnov Geboren 1967; Studium der Klassischen Philologie an der Universität St. Petersburg; 2001 Promotion in »Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients« Tübingen; 2008 Habilitation für das gleiche Fach in Tübingen; seit 2011 Mitglied des Forschungszentrums EDRIS, Göttingen.


The following reviews are known:

In: Jahrbuch f.Antike und Christentum — 52 (2009), S. 179–184 (Franz Dünzl)
In: Journal of Coptic Studies — 13 (2011), S. 227–229 (Emmanouela Grypeou)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 136 (2011), S. 1198–1199 (Heinrich Holze)
In: Irenikon — 2010, Heft 4, S. 650–651 (U.Z.)
In: PV-aktuell (Nachrichten des Pfarrvereins Westf.) — 2010, Nr. 3, S. 11–12 (Karl-F. Wiggermann)
In: International Review of Biblical Studies — 55 (2008/09), S. 2120