Cover of 'undefined'
Wolfgang Stützel

Volkswirtschaftliche Saldenmechanik

Ein Beitrag zur Geldtheorie
[The Mechanism of Net Balances. A Contribution to the Theory of Money. Unchanged Student Edition of the 2nd Edition.]
2nd edition 1978; 2011. XIII, 290 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-150955-1
In his Saldenmechanik (The Mechanism of Net Balances), Wolfgang Stützel provides a didactically effective description of the quintessence of macroeconomics and its monetary system. He presents ostensibly »trivial arithmetical« but nevertheless important foundations of economics whose neglect has been the source of many misunderstandings, of apparent contradictions between related theories and as a result of this inexpedient or even »counterproductive« policy recommendations.