
Peter Georg Picht

Vom materiellen Wert des Immateriellen

Immaterialgüterrechte als Kreditsicherungsmittel im nationalen und internationalen Rechtsverkehr

[The Material Value of the Immaterial. Intellectual Property Rights as Loan Collateral in National and International Transactions.]

2018. XXII, 708 pages.

Jus Privatum 230

154,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-156011-8
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Published in German.
Intellectual property rights play a key role in today's economy. By collateralizing these intangible assets, their value can serve to raise capital that finances, for instance, start-ups or large mergers and acquisitions. Many legal aspects of the collateralization of intellectual property are, however, unclear. Peter Georg Picht presents an in-depth analysis of the most important practical issues and develops a coherent legal framework for such transactions.
Intellectual property rights play a key role in today's economy. By collateralizing these intangible assets, their value can serve to raise capital that finances, for instance, start-ups or large mergers and acquisitions. Many legal aspects of the collateralization of intellectual property are, however, unclear. Peter Georg Picht presents an in-depth analysis of the most important practical issues and develops a coherent legal framework for such transactions.

Peter Georg Picht Geboren 1979; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der LMU München; LL.M., Yale Law School (New Haven, USA); 2011 Promotion; 2017 Habilitation; Wissenschaftlicher Referent am Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München; seit 2016 Professor für Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht an der Universität Zürich.


The following reviews are known:

In: Archiv für die civilistische Praxis — 221 (2021), 274–278 (Alexander Peukert)