
Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen

Im Auftrag des Hauses der Brandenburgisch-Preußischen Geschichte in Potsdam anlässlich der Sonderausstellung »Reformation und Freiheit. Luther und die Folgen für Preußen und Brandenburg« 8. September 2017 – 21. Januar 2018
Kommentiert u. hrsg. v. Jan Kingreen m. einer Einleitung v. Ruth Slenczka

[On the Freedom of a Christian. Commissioned by the House of Brandenburg-Prussian History in Potsdam on the Occasion of the »Reformation and Freedom. Luther's Influence on Prussia and Brandenburg« Exhibition, September 8, 2017-January 21, 2018.]

2017. XI, 103 pages.
9,99 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-8252-4884-0
available from utb
Published in German.
This annotated edition's short, concise explanations and supplementary information placed directly next to the text help elucidate even for readers coming into contact with Luther's thinking for the first time historical backgrounds, lines of argumentation and thought structures.
Martin Luther's tract »On the Freedom of a Christian« from 1520 caused a sensation among his contemporaries. Indeed, the most printed book of the sixteenth century offers no less than a complete overview of the Wittenberg reformer's theological thinking. In accord with the letter sent to Pope Leo X and even after 500 years, it is still capable of providing us with impulses on how we can reconcile Christianity and freedom with one another.
This annotated edition's short, concise explanations and supplementary information placed directly next to the text help elucidate even for readers coming into contact with Luther's thinking for the first time historical backgrounds, lines of argumentation and thought structures.

Jan Kingreen Studium der Ev. Theologie und Philosophie; seit 2015 Promotionsprojekt; Förderung durch die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung; derzeit Assistent am Lehrstuhl für Systematische Theologie/Dogmatik an der HU Berlin und freier wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Haus der Brandenburgisch-Preußischen Geschichte in Potsdam.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr. f. Kirchengeschichte — 129 (2018), S. 270–272 (Roland M. Lehmann)
In: Revue de l'histoire et de Philosophie Réligieuses — 98 (2018), S. 488 (M. Arnold)
In: Altmark-Blätter — 2. Dezember 2017, S. 192 (Heinrich Kröger)