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Fabian Pfuhl

Von erlaubter Verkaufsförderung und strafbarer Korruption

Lauterkeitsrechtliche Analyse der Wertreklame gegenüber Weiterveräußerern und Leitfaden für die werbende Praxis
[Unprohibited Sales Promotion and Indictable Corruption. An Analysis of Sales Promotions Directed at Resellers from the Perspective of the Fair Trade Law and Guidelines for Advertising Practice.]
2010. XIX, 193 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-150199-9
Fabian Pfuhl analyzes the business connections between an advertising manufacturer of goods and the so wooed distributors under competiton and criminal law aspects. The author establishes manageable criteria to draw the thin line between promotion and payoff.

Geistiges Eigentum und Wettbewerbsrecht (GEuWR)