
Fabian Pfuhl

Von erlaubter Verkaufsförderung und strafbarer Korruption

Lauterkeitsrechtliche Analyse der Wertreklame gegenüber Weiterveräußerern und Leitfaden für die werbende Praxis

[Unprohibited Sales Promotion and Indictable Corruption. An Analysis of Sales Promotions Directed at Resellers from the Perspective of the Fair Trade Law and Guidelines for Advertising Practice.]

59,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-150199-9
Published in German.
Fabian Pfuhl analyzes the business connections between an advertising manufacturer of goods and the so wooed distributors under competiton and criminal law aspects. The author establishes manageable criteria to draw the thin line between promotion and payoff.
Manufacturers of goods have long been aware of the fact that it can be more effective to direct their advertising at the commercial level rather than to approach the consumer directly. This results in a legal and economically significant conflict between the influences of sales promotions on commercial enterprises and their potential obligations when advising their own customers. The advertising industry is faced daily with the question of if and when a sales promotion violates the rights of a third party (for example the consumer or a competitor) by unfair means. Their answer can result in far-reaching consequences, either from competition law or criminal law. Fabian Pfuhl studies the conflict and gives detailed solutions for a legally compliant evaluation of planned promotional campaigns.

Fabian Pfuhl Geboren 1981; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Bayreuth; 2009 Promotion; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Forschungsstelle für Lebensmittelrecht an der Universität Bayreuth.


The following reviews are known:

In: Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht — 2011, 172–173