
Richard Kroner

Von Kant bis Hegel

1. Band: Von der Vernunftkritik zur Naturphilosophie. 2. Band: Von der Naturphilosophie zur Philosophie des Geistes

[From Kant to Hegel. 4th edition. Unchanged reprint of the 2nd edition.]

4th edition (unchanged reprint of the 2nd edition 1961); 2006. XLII, 1138 pages.
129,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-149164-1
Published in German.
One of the most important phases in later European philosophy in Germany was the period of development from Kant to Hegel (1770–1830). Richard Kroner gives a comprehensive account of the views of the individual philosophers and the links between their systems.
One of the most important phases in later European philosophy in Germany was the period of development from Kant to Hegel (1770–1830), which was closely bound up with the poetry and teaching of Goethe's times. Richard Kroner gives a comprehensive account of the views of the individual philosophers and the links between their systems. Beginning with the the cognition of Kant, he depicts German philosophy of the classical period in the whole range of its thought and with all its varied answers to the spiritual questions which mankind is forever asking.

Richard Kroner Christlicher Philosoph jüdischer Herkunft, Neukantianer und Neuhegelianer; 1919 Professor in Freiburg i.Br., 1924 in Dresden, 1929–35 in Kiel; unter den Nazis von seinem Lehrstuhl in Kiel vertrieben; 1938 Emigration nach Großbritannien, später in die USA; 1941 Professor in New York; 1952 Emeritierung.


The following reviews are known:

In: Lo Stato — 2013, S. 313–314 (Angelo Di Giovanni)