
Michael Lindemann

Voraussetzungen und Grenzen legitimen Wirtschaftsstrafrechts

Eine Untersuchung zu den materiell- und prozessrechtlichen Problemen der strafrechtlichen Aufarbeitung von Wirtschaftskriminalität

[Requirements and Limits of the Legitimate Law Relating to Economic Offences. A Study of the Problems in Substantive Law and Procedural Law in the Criminal Prosecution of White-Collar Crimes.]

2012. XVI, 654 pages.
159,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-151869-0
Published in German.
Coping with the structural problems involved in the prosecution of white collar crimes continues to be of great relevance. The discussion surrounding this subject is primarily on the level of substantive law, but does however involve a multitude of issues related to procedural law. In this book, Michael Lindemann prioritizes, consolidates and explores the weak points in the existing system. He then provides detailed solutions to the problems, thus making a significant contribution to a dialogue which on no account should be limited to the law relating to economic offences.
Coping with the structural problems involved in the prosecution of white collar crimes continues to be of great relevance. The discussion surrounding this subject is primarily on the level of substantive law, but does however involve a multitude of issues related to procedural law. In this book, Michael Lindemann prioritizes, consolidates and explores the weak points in the existing system. He then provides detailed solutions to the problems, thus making a significant contribution to a dialogue which on no account should be limited to the law relating to economic offences.

Michael Lindemann ist Professor für Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht und Kriminologie an der Universität Bielefeld.


The following reviews are known:

In: Juristenzeitung — 2013, 612 (Klaus Tiedemann)
In: — (05/2013)