
Karl Homann

Vorteile und Anreize

Zur Grundlegung einer Ethik der Zukunft
Hrsg. v. Christoph Lütge

[Advantages and Incentives. Laying the Foundations for the Ethics of the Future. By Karl Homann. Edited by Christoph Lütge.]

2002. VI, 274 pages.
59,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-147904-5
Published in German.
In this collection of essays, Karl Homann outlines the foundations for a system of ethics in the 21st century. This has to be based on advantages and incentives, since in the age of globalization there is no other conceivable basis for ethics. Ethical problems are changing, and the emphasis for solving them is on institutional reforms. In order to deal with these problems, ethics has to work together with the social sciences, in particular with economics.
In this collection of essays, Karl Homann outlines the foundations for the ethics of the future. The ethics of the 21st century has to be based on advantages and incentives, since in the age of globalization there is no other conceivable basis for ethics. It is to be expected that every one of us is going to pursue his own interests and that the only way to achieve improvements is by creating incentives. Ethical problems are changing, and the emphasis for solving them is on institutional reforms. In order to deal with these problems, ethics has to work together with the social sciences, in particular with economics. A collaboration of this nature is discernible in this volume and is exemplified by ethical and methodological questions.

Karl Homann Geboren 1943; Studium der Philosophie, Germanistik und kath. Theologie in Münster, Promotion zum Dr. phil.; 1971–79 Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre in Münster, Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol.; 1985 Habilitation für Philosophie; Professor für Philosophie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der philosophischen und ethischen Grundlagen der Ökonomie an der Universität München.

Christoph Lütge Geboren 1969; Studium der Wirtschaftsinformatik und Philosophie; 1999 Promotion; 2005 Habilitation; Inhaber des Peter Löscher-Stiftungslehrstuhls für Wirtschaftsethik, TU München; Direktor des TUM Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence; Distinguished Visiting Professor, Universität Tokio.


The following reviews are known:

In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — Jg.130 (2005), H.3, Sp.314ff (Friedrich Lohmann)
In: ORDO — 2003, H.54, S.358ff (Jürgen Zerth)
In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) — 10.Juni 2003, Nr.132, S. 12 (Norbert Tofall)