Tobias A. Jopp

War, Bond Prices, and Public Opinion

How Did the Amsterdam Bond Market Perceive the Belligerents' War Effort During World War One?
[Krieg, Anleihekurse und öffentliche Meinung. Wie hat der Amsterdamer Anleihemarkt die Kriegsanstrengungen der Kriegsparteien während des Ersten Weltkriegs wahrgenommen?]
2021. XVIII, 317 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-159537-0
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  • 978-3-16-159537-0
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One persistent topic in the historiography of the First World War is how contemporaries perceived the war's course. Tobias A. Jopp investigates financial market players' perception of the war's course as reflected in sovereign bond prices, thereby offering new perspectives of the war in public opinion.

Economy and History (EconH)