Cultural Studies

Christoph Lütge

Was hält eine Gesellschaft zusammen?

Ethik im Zeitalter der Globalisierung

[What Keeps a Society Together? Ethics in the Era of Globalization.]

109,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-149408-6
Published in German.
Christoph Lütge argues that anthropological qualities cannot serve as a basis for ethics in a globalized world, because they are not immune to erosion by systematic counter-incentives. An order ethics, which is based on weaker prerequisites, namely the characteristics of situations and their basic conditions (orders), is more likely to count on cross-cultural approval in the era of globalization.
Many social philosophers and ethicists contend that a modern society cannot remain stable merely by its citizens obeying all of its rules. Such prominent theoreticians as J. Habermas, J. Rawls, D. Gauthier or R. Rorty hold the view that the citizens of a modern society must exhibit additional anthropological qualities which are termed moral surpluses here. Christoph Lütge argues, however, that no moral surplus is immune to erosion by systematic counter-incentives and that anthropological qualities in general cannot serve as a basis for ethics in the globalized world. An order ethics, which is based on weaker prerequisites, namely the characteristics of situations and their basic conditions (orders), is more likely to count on cross-cultural approval in the era of globalization.

Christoph Lütge Geboren 1969; Studium der Wirtschaftsinformatik und Philosophie; 1999 Promotion; 2005 Habilitation; Inhaber des Peter Löscher-Stiftungslehrstuhls für Wirtschaftsethik, TU München; Direktor des TUM Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence; Distinguished Visiting Professor, Universität Tokio.


The following reviews are known:

In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung — 8. April 2008 (Michael Schefczyk)
In: — (Benjamin Krenberger)