
Hendrik Meyer-Magister

Wehrdienst und Verweigerung als komplementäres Handeln

Individualisierungsprozesse im bundesdeutschen Protestantismus der 1950er Jahre

[Military Service and Conscientious Objection as Complementary Action. The Individualisation of Ethics in Post-War German Protestantism.]

104,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-156260-0
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Published in German.
The issue of whether Protestants could ever again serve in a West German army was so controversially debated in the 1950s that it almost split the country's church. Hendrik Meyer-Magister shows how 1959's Heidelberg Theses eventually shifted the decision entirely onto the conscience of the individual in what proved to be an important step towards the individualisation of ethics in post-war Protestantism.
The issue of whether Protestants could ever again serve in a West German army was so controversially debated in the 1950s that it almost split the country's church. Hendrik Meyer-Magister shows how 1959's Heidelberg Theses eventually shifted the decision entirely onto the conscience of the individual in what proved to be an important step towards the individualisation of ethics in post-war Protestantism.

Hendrik Meyer-Magister Geboren 1982; 2003–12 Studium der Theologie und Geschichte in Berlin und Stellenbosch, Südafrika; 2013–16 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der DFG-Forschergruppe 1765; 2016–19 Vikar der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern; 2017 Promotion zum Dr. theol. an der Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München; seit 2019 Akademischer Rat (a.Z.) an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.


The following reviews are known:

In: http://www.religion-weltanschauung-recht.de — https://religion-weltanschauung-recht.net/2020/02/01/ (Georg Neureither)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 145 (2020), S. 1245–1247 (Julian Zeyher-Quattlender)