
Karin Finsterbusch

Weisung für Israel

Studien zu religiösem Lehren und Lernen im Deuteronomium und in seinem Umfeld

[Instructions for Israel. Studies of Religious Teaching and Learning in Deuteronomy and its Social Environment]

unrevised e-book edition 2019; Original edition 2005; 2005. XIII, 349 pages.

Forschungen zum Alten Testament 44

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ISBN 978-3-16-157782-6
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Published in German.
This study focuses on the statements in Deuteronomy which pertain to religious teaching and learning. In order to outline the concept given in Deuteronomy, Karin Finsterbusch has examined selected biblical writings which contain significant statements on the subject of religious teaching and learning: Isaiah, Jeremiah and Proverbs.
This study focuses on the statements in Deuteronomy which pertain to religious teaching and learning. Gathered in front of Moses in Moab, Israel received a new »image« before entering the Holy Land of Deuteronomy's represented world: Moses taught Israel according to JHWH's instruction. This was the hour of Israel's birth as a community of religious teaching and learning. According to the will of JHWH, the people were to live in this way from that time on, and it was only in doing so that they were able to survive. Survival has a great deal to do with maintaining one's identity, and it is this which the multi-dimensional instructions on religious teaching and learning in Deuteronomy guarantee. In order to outline the concept given in Deuteronomy, the author has examined selected biblical writings which contain significant statements on the subject of religious teaching and learning: Isaiah, Jeremiah and Proverbs.

Karin Finsterbusch Geboren 1963; Studium der Evangelischen Theologie und der Judaistik; 1994 Promotion im Fach Neues Testament; 1993–2000 Tätigkeit als Vikarin und Pfarrvikarin; 2004 Habilitation im Fach Altes Testament; seit April 2004 Professorin für Altes Testament und seine Didaktik in Landau.


The following reviews are known:

In: Old Testament Abstracts — 29 (2006), S. 352 (R.D.N.)
In: Bibel und Kirche — (04/2010) (Dominik Markl)
In: Zeitschr.f.Altorient.u.bibl.RechtsG (ZAR) — 12 (2006), S. 72–106 (Eckart Otto)
In: Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (ZAW) — Bd.118 (2006), S.139f (Jan Christian Gertz)
In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung — 102 (2007), S. 459–462 (Sebastian Grätz)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 132 (2007), S. 877–889 (Udo Rüterswörden)
In: Theologische Rundschau — 74 (2009), S. 303 (Bernd Schröder)