
Burkard Wollenschläger

Wissensgenerierung im Verfahren

[The Generation of Knowledge during Proceedings.]

94,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-149890-9
Published in German.
In certain branches of public law, the administration has to generate the knowledge necessary to apply the standards which are relevant for them. Using a selection of procedural constellations, Burkard Wollenschläger analyzes this realignment in administrative law.
In certain branches of public law, the administration has to produce the knowledge necessary to apply the standards which are relevant for them. Thus if the legal facts no longer provide abstract standards for decisions, and instead of this delegate the necessary creation of standards to administrative proceedings, then procedural law obtains an independent function. Using a selection of procedural constellations from oversight law, risk law and antitrust law, Burkard Wollenschläger analyzes this realignment in administrative law. He describes the structures of knowledge on which the reality is based, structures which are characterized by continuing destabilization and diversification, and analyzes simple procedural law.

Burkard Wollenschläger Geboren 1978; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Heidelberg, Regensburg, Oxford und Konstanz; 2008 Promotion; Rechtsreferendar am Landgericht Konstanz.


The following reviews are known:

In: Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts — 2010, 314–317 (Hans Peter Bull)
In: Bayerische Verwaltungsblätter — 2009, 644 (Heinrich Amadeus Wolff)
In: Die Öffentliche Verwaltung — 2010, 362–363 (Ulrich Stelkens)